Poets published in Spectrum Online Edition: The Villanelle Masters are invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, June 17th between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

José L Recio



Placid and composed seemed the deer,

Alone on the lawn of her dreams,

At ease and far from sensing fear


Unaware of the hunter's spear,

Grazing as if in a daydream

Placid and composed seemed the deer,


Confident all around is clear:

The meadow, the wood, and the stream,

At ease and far from sensing fear


Oblivious to danger near,

Softly wading across the stream

Placid and composed seemed the deer


Where the willow leaves drop their tears

Drinks the alpha doe in the stream,

At ease and far from sensing fear


Bow and arrow aimed at the deer,

A target shot stops the bloodstream.

Placid and composed seemed the deer,

At ease and far from sensing fear


In memory


Connie, you are gone forever

Your life was cut off by lightning

In a flash, your life was severed


You, such a decided hiker,

Lover of storms, never hiding,

Connie, you are gone forever


The random flash struck the hiker

Your heart wounded, it stopped beating

In a flash, your life was severed


So tall, slim, upright, and clever,

A lover of mountain climbing

Connie you are gone forever


Steady your step, doubtful never,

Connie, so whole, so outgoing

In a flash, your life was severed


A heart, yearning for the better,

Was torn to pieces by lightning

Connie, you are gone forever

In a flash, your life was severed.

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R A Ruadh

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